Someone who, through the experiences of life, has discovered their limitations may come to realize their need of God. That humble person will find that trusting God is an anchor in the trials of life. A woman who trusts in God and submits to Him is liberated from a multitude of frustrating problems. By trusting God, she will find that it is easier to submit to her husband. Submission is a beautiful virtue and has the potential to enrich the life of every woman. Security and contentment are blessings that come when she allows God’s plan in her life.
January 14, 2020 in Christian Life 6 minutes
We often hear these words as we part from friends or from places of business. What does it take to have a really good day? Would it be a day without trouble and conflict, a day when everyone would treat us just right? Many years ago the common words on parting were “God be with ye.” As time went by this became shortened to “goodbye,” and the meaning was lost. However, the fact remains that the only way to truly “have a good day” is to spend it with God. O happy day that fixed my choice Philip Doddridge
November 2, 2018 in Christian Life 2 minutes
I started out in life so carefree and happy. I was like a little butterfly with beautiful wings and a world of flowers to see. Life seemed wonderful as I looked to the future. It didn’t take long and my views changed. I realized I had to perform to be accepted. Life seemed like a circus. There were hoops held out far into the future. If I jumped through the rings I received approval. If I didn’t—well—everybody else did. “God, what happened?” My heart ached as I recalled those happy, innocent days—gone, forever gone.
October 26, 2018 in Christian Life 5 minutes
Do you have feelings of loneliness, or a sense of guilt and fear deep inside your heart? Do you wonder about the purpose of your life? Many people are trying to find the answer to these feelings. You may find entertainments or other activities that may relieve you of these feelings for a short time, but then they return, perhaps stronger than ever before. Matthew 11:28 Come unto me. Matthew 6:25-31 God cares for you. John 3:16 God loves you. John 14:15 Obey God.
October 25, 2018 in Christian Life 3 minutes
Jesus established his kingdom when He was on earth. We who have entered it have found it to be a place of deep pleasure and lasting satisfaction. It is a peaceful kingdom. In it we do not make instruments of destruction, neither do we learn war any more (Isaiah 2:4). Earth has had many kingdoms in the past, but they have risen with the strength of their kings and warriors, and they have fallen with their weakness.
October 15, 2018 in Christian Life 6 minutes
Christianity is based on God, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible, which is the Word of God. A Christian is one who believes the Bible and lives the teachings of Jesus Christ. This way of life brings peace and contentment here on this earth and prepares us for a home in heaven. God the Father The Creation and the Fall of Mankind God the Son God the Holy Spirit The Bible Living a Christian Life Afterlife
October 15, 2018 in Christian Life 5 minutes
Judging-What does it mean? Is it right to judge? Have you ever pondered these questions? “Judge not that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1), has led many Christians to conclude that they have neither right nor responsibility to judge what they see and hear. Yet this conclusion leaves them at a loss to know how to cope with life about them. A study of God’s Word will show that His children do have a responsibility to judge. Personal Responsibility to Judge Understanding Matthew 7:1 A Right Spirit for Judging Judgment Committed to Christ’s Church Prove False Teaching
October 15, 2018 in Christian Life 8 minutes
Forgiveness Through Christ’s Blood “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things… But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Peter 1:18-19). Our forgiveness comes through Christ’s death and the spilling of His blood for the sins of man (Hebrews 9:22). Let us take note that, because of our sins, we would be worthy of eternal death. But because of His love and mercy toward us, Jesus died in our stead, so we can be forgiven and our transgressions covered. Unforgiveness Brings Bondage Unconditional Forgiveness
October 9, 2018 in Christian Life 6 minutes
Prayer is a humble plea directed to God the Father in the name of Jesus. Prayer is expressing ourselves to a loving father in heaven. In prayer our spirit communicates with God either through words spoken or even in our thoughts. God wants us to speak with Him. We may come to Him with our thankfulness, requests, and disappointments. Pray in the name of Jesus. He said, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do” (John 14:13). We have no merit of our own; we can only come to God in prayer through Jesus Christ.
June 20, 2018 in Christian Life 4 minutes
In the beginning, after God had created Adam and Eve, He loved to fellowship with them while they walked together in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve did not know about sin and evil because they were innocent and pure. God gave Adam and Eve only one commandment to obey. They were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. From the beginning, God has given mankind the power of choice, and He has never revoked it.
June 20, 2018 in Christian Life 5 minutes