Christian Life

The security of all Christians is in Christ. He died for us, forgave us, and promised a home in heaven to those who are faithful. There we will be eternally secure in his radiant presence. Even today Christians can have a calm assurance of salvation as long as they are faithful, for while they live, they have the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and when they die, they have the promise of a future home in heaven.

Portuguese Spanish

July 28, 2023 in  Christian Life 9 minutes

THE OLD LIFE of Bondage in Sin UNDER SATAN Before Conversion The Sinner Has: No God—Ephesians 2:12 No Christ—Ephesians 2:12 No Hope—Ephesians 2:12 No Peace—Isaiah 57:21 No Escape—Romans 2:3 BOUND FOR HELL Lost and THE NEW LIFE of Glorious Liberty UNDER CHRIST After Conversion The Believer Has: God as his Father—John 1:12 Christ—Savior—John 4:42 Holy Spirit—Guide—John 16:13 Everlasting Life—John 3:16 A Sure Hope—Hebrews 6:19 Peace—Isaiah 26:3; Romans 5:1 BOUND FOR HEAVEN Saved Now is the time to get on the right side. Tomorrow may be too late… (Hebrews 4:7) “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN” (John 3:7)

July 11, 2023 in  Christian Life 2 minutes

The church of God is not a man-made institution but is of the Lord. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Jesus knew that the church was essential to God’s great plan and declared it would endure for time and eternity. The church is the spiritual home for believers while they are here on earth; heaven is the home of the saved throughout eternity.

Bengali Russian

June 13, 2023 in  Christian Life 6 minutes

Trouble and problems are everywhere. Sickness, unhappiness, and many evils are a part of life. Where did it all begin? Has it always been this way? The Bible, God’s Word, has the answers to these questions.

French Haitian Creole Indonesian Japanese Korean Polish Spanish

January 9, 2023 in  Christian Life 4 minutes

The Bible is a precious book that fills the need of every soul. The messages found in it provide spiritual nourishment. There are chapters exactly suited for your particular need or inquiry.

Bengali French Russian Spanish

December 30, 2021 in  Christian Life, Gospel 9 minutes

Do you sincerely want to be a man of God? Are you looking for true fulfillment in your life? Have you tried, but failed, to be an honest and trustworthy man? Have you tried to be a kind and understanding father, but struggle with anger and impatience with your family? Is it difficult to work with other people? If you have tried and failed, God can help you.

December 22, 2021 in  Christian Life 4 minutes

Have you ever looked around you and wondered how everything began? There are many animals, birds, trees, and plants on the earth. Where did they come from? Have they always been here? What about man? Look at yourself and see how your body works. You use your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your feet and hands help you do things and go places you want to go. Did all of these things just happen, or were they made by someone?

French Haitian Creole Indonesian Japanese Khmer Korean Polish Rundi Spanish Telugu

May 18, 2021 in  Christian Life, Love 3 minutes



These and many other situations befall humans of every nationality and culture. Many people, young and old, face health issues that have no cure. Terminal illness claims the lives of many every year. The lack of food, water, clothing, and adequate housing are very real circumstances that trouble millions of people. Many people have rejected God to pursue earthly relationships and tangible goals. This leaves the body and soul restless and empty. Often people blame God for their troubles. Broken dreams, failed marriages, financial ruin, abuse, rejection, drugs, and alcohol contribute to the depression and suicide in the world today.

French Spanish

January 18, 2021 in  Christian Life 4 minutes

“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost” (Luke 15:4-6).

French Haitian Creole Indonesian Japanese Korean Lingala Malagasy Rundi Spanish

January 18, 2021 in  Christian Life 5 minutes

Do you know there is a book that explains how the world began? The first words of this book are, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Following these words, it tells us how the world was created, and about the first man and woman who lived on the earth. Not only does it tell us about the beginning of time, but also what will happen after this life is over. Throughout this book, we read how we should live to be prepared for life after death.

French Haitian Creole Indonesian Japanese Korean Rundi Spanish

January 13, 2021 in  Christian Life, Gospel 4 minutes