Future Life

Approximately 2,000 years after creation, God destroyed mankind with a great flood because they had become so wicked that the imaginations of their heart were evil continually (Genesis 6:5). Just as the people of Noah’s day were not expecting a flood to come, many people today are not expecting Jesus to come again. His return will be unexpected—as a thief in the night (2 Peter 3:10). Why do we believe it will be soon? Look around you; what do you see? We Are All Sinners God’s Love Jesus is coming! We know not how soon, E.G. Wesley

French Rundi

May 4, 2021 in  Future Life 5 minutes

There are only two eternal destinies—the blessed abode of the saved and the flaming abyss of the lost. The Bible speaks of paradise and of the pit of hell, of glorious light and of total darkness. There Are Only Two Destinies On the Judgment Day, only two groups of people will step forth, “they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation” (John 5:29). An Illustration of Hell What Will Hell Be Like? Our Choice The Way of Escape!

French Russian Spanish

November 14, 2019 in  Future Life 6 minutes

You are special! “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). There is something comforting about the realization that God brought each one of us into existence. God is the giver of life; not only to Adam (whom this scripture is referring to), but to every child born into this world. You are special because God created you! Life and Death Circumstances Choices Thought Patterns Winning the Battle!

October 16, 2019 in  Future Life 5 minutes

Eternity defies man’s imagination and comprehension. It is not an object, nor a place; it is not a period of time. It has no beginning and it has no end. Everyone from Adam to the last one born will be in it. In all of creation, only man, clothed with a changed and immortal body, will make the transition from time into eternity. Man is the only creature who has the “breath of life” (Genesis 2:7) and who lives forever as God does. Now in life, while there is yet time, our eternal destiny can be decided. “Eternity!—Where?” oh, “Eternity!—Where?”

Romanian Spanish

October 17, 2018 in  Future Life 7 minutes

At this moment you are alive, you breathe, you move about or work. You may be living in comfort or existing in misery. The sun rises and sets; somewhere a child is being born; but also somewhere, someone is always dying. ALL OF LIFE IS ONLY A TEMPORARY ARRANGEMENT. BUT WHERE WILL YOU GO AFTER DEATH? Whether you are religious, or simply do not believe in any religion. You still need to settle this most important question, because after a brief earth-life, man goes to his eternal destiny (Ecclesiastes 12:5). BUT WHERE? YOUR SOUL WILL NEVER DIE! BUT

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September 18, 2018 in  Future Life, Heaven 4 minutes