Christian Life
Security in Christ
The security of all Christians is in Christ. He died for us, forgave us, and promised a home in heaven to those who are faithful. There we will be eternally secure in his radiant presence. Even today Christians can have a calm assurance of salvation as long as they are faithful, for while they live, they have the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and when they die, they have the promise of a future home in heaven. Redemption Available to All Predestination or Choice? God Wants Everyone to Be Saved Salvation Is Conditional Backsliding Is Possible There Are Reasons for Biblical Warnings
Teach Us to Pray
Prayer is a humble plea directed to God the Father in the name of Jesus. Prayer is expressing ourselves to a loving father in heaven. In prayer our spirit communicates with God either through words spoken or even in our thoughts. God wants us to speak with Him. We may come to Him with our thankfulness, requests, and disappointments. Pray in the name of Jesus. He said, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do” (John 14:13). We have no merit of our own; we can only come to God in prayer through Jesus Christ.
Do you have feelings of loneliness, or a sense of guilt and fear deep inside your heart? Do you wonder about the purpose of your life? Many people are trying to find the answer to these feelings. You may find entertainments or other activities that may relieve you of these feelings for a short time, but then they return, perhaps stronger than ever before. Matthew 11:28 Come unto me. Matthew 6:25-31 God cares for you. John 3:16 God loves you. John 14:15 Obey God.
The Book For You
Do you ever wonder what will happen after life is over? The Bible tells us that someday Jesus will come again to judge all people. We can read how to prepare for that time. Jesus tells us that He has gone to prepare a place in heaven for those who will accept Him. Read the Bible today!
The church of God is not a man-made institution but is of the Lord. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Jesus knew that the church was essential to God’s great plan and declared it would endure for time and eternity. The church is the spiritual home for believers while they are here on earth; heaven is the home of the saved throughout eternity. What is the Church? How Can I Recognize the Church of God? Why Do I Need the Church? How Can I Become a Member of God’s Church?
THE OLD LIFE of Bondage in Sin UNDER SATAN Before Conversion The Sinner Has: No God—Ephesians 2:12 No Christ—Ephesians 2:12 No Hope—Ephesians 2:12 No Peace—Isaiah 57:21 No Escape—Romans 2:3 BOUND FOR HELL Lost and THE NEW LIFE of Glorious Liberty UNDER CHRIST After Conversion The Believer Has: God as his Father—John 1:12 Christ—Savior—John 4:42 Holy Spirit—Guide—John 16:13 Everlasting Life—John 3:16 A Sure Hope—Hebrews 6:19 Peace—Isaiah 26:3; Romans 5:1 BOUND FOR HEAVEN Saved Now is the time to get on the right side. Tomorrow may be too late… (Hebrews 4:7) “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN” (John 3:7) TWO WHICH ONE?
The Lost Sheep
Jesus the True Shepherd The following story illustrates Jesus’s love and care for all people. A shepherd had one hundred sheep. He loved his sheep and kept them in a pleasant valley deep within the mountains. The valley was a safe place, but the mountains were dangerous. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters” (Psalm 23:1-2). A Sheep Is Lost The Searching Shepherd The Sheep Is Rescued
The Story of Creation
The first chapter of Genesis teaches us that God created the world and all that is in it in six days. On the first day God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He separated the light from the darkness and called them day and night. On the second day He made the sky. On the fifth day God made the birds and fish. After God completed the creation, He saw that it was very good.
Trouble Begins
Trouble and problems are everywhere. Sickness, unhappiness, and many evils are a part of life. Where did it all begin? Has it always been this way? The Bible, God’s Word, has the answers to these questions. We need to surrender our entire life to God including our wants and desires and ask Him in faith to forgive our sins. Then He forgives us and we become a new person! (2 Corinthians 5:17) Read the Bible today!
I started out in life so carefree and happy. I was like a little butterfly with beautiful wings and a world of flowers to see. Life seemed wonderful as I looked to the future. It didn’t take long and my views changed. I realized I had to perform to be accepted. Life seemed like a circus. There were hoops held out far into the future. If I jumped through the rings I received approval. If I didn’t—well—everybody else did. “God, what happened?” My heart ached as I recalled those happy, innocent days—gone, forever gone.